Sustainability Report, Reporting year 2022
Discover the sustainablility team
The achievement of our sustainability ambitions is being brought to life by our great local Sustainability colleagues. Discover the team!
Edward An, L&D and QSS Manager - Lyreco Korea | Alex Ang, MIS & QSS Manager - Lyreco SIMA (Malaysia) | Simon Woo, Information System Manager - Lyreco SIMA (Singapore) | Michèle Brinkmann, Governance Manager - Lyreco Germany | Olaf Dubbert, Head of Operational Services IS, Quality, Sales - Lyreco Germany | Andrew Bryers, Head of Sustainability - Lyreco UK & Ireland | Chloe Andrews, Customer Sustainability Manager - Lyreco UK & Ireland | Diane Buggenhout, QSE Manager - Lyreco Benelux | Jose Duran, Project manager - Lyreco Benelux | Oscar Breure, Director Cat. Man. & Marketing - Intersafe | Aini Chong, Head of product sustainability - Lyreco Management | Marta Flores Pallares, QSS Manager - Lyreco Iberia | Maria del Mar Salinas Ramirez, Community Impact Project Manager - Lyreco Management | Tone Haugen-Flermoe, Sustainability & Communication Director - Lyreco Norway | Anette Gutterød, CSR coordinator - Lyreco Norway | Patricia Janetkova, QSS Manager - Lyreco Central Europe
(Austria, Czech, Slovakia and Hungary) | Johanna Jigmo Linde, Sustainability & Quality Director - Lyreco Sweden | Jere Jokinen, Sustainability & Quality Manager - Lyreco Finland | Karine Kaczmarczyk, QSS manager - Lyreco France | Maxime Nalepa, Sustainability project manager - Lyreco France | Gro Kardel, ESG Manager - Lyreco Denmark | Victor Sebastian Bjarnesen, Sustainability Advisor & Quality Coordinator - Lyreco Denmark | Ewa Marta Luszpianko, Business Service Director - Lyreco Italy | Valentina Zanni, Compliance & Sustainability manager - Lyreco Italy | Roberta Elhagh, Sustainability assistant - Lyreco Italy | Stephan Nueesch, QSS Manager - Lyreco Switzerland | Tina Kempf, Head of Sustainability management - Lyreco Switzerland | Andrew Wong, IS, E-business & QSS Manager - Lyreco Hong Kong | Tomasz Wozniakowski, Compliance & Sustainability Manager - Lyreco Poland.
55 Sustainability Report 2022 •
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